Martial Law Era Film Series: Back-to-Back Screening of Edjop and Burgos
Date: Aug 16 | 1:30 PM - 4:00 PMCatch the back-to-back screening of “Edjop” (1:30 p.m.) and “Burgos” (2:30 p.m.) on August 16, Wednesday, at the UP Diliman Film Institute (UPFI) Film Center Videotheque.
“Edjop” is a vintage Alternative Horizon’s documentary on the life and struggles of student-leader Edgar Jopson, who was killed by the military in September 1982.
“Burgos” is a film written by National Artist for Film and Broadcast Arts Ricky Lee and directed by Joel Lamangan.
This is part of the UPFI’s “Martial Law Era Film Series.”
The event is open to the public for free on a first come, first served basis.