Juxtaposing Art, Politics, and Nation: Artist Talk by Karl Castro
Date: Mar 2 | 9:00 AM - 11:00 AMCatch the artist talk “Juxtaposing Art, Politics, and Nation” by Karl Castro, recipient of the “Osaka Artist-in-Residence Award 2023,” on March 2, Saturday, 9 a.m., at the Videotheque, UP Film Institute (UPFI) Film Center.
Register at https:// forms.gle/s5APiAutxisYmrWQA.
Everyone is also invited to view Castro’s “AIR⊿ Vol. 7 Homecoming Exhibition: ドリーム・アフター・ドリーム (Dream after Dream)” until March 2 at the Ishmael Bernal Gallery, UPFI Film Center.