From Binabae to Fa‘afafine, Beyond and Back: Archival and Historical Linguistic Reflections on a Shared Transgender Past
Date: Mar 6 | 12:00 PM - 1:00 PMJoin the Binalot Talks “From Binabae to Fa‘afafine, Beyond and Back: Archival and Historical Linguistic Reflections on a Shared Transgender Past” on Wednesday, March 6, 12 p.m., at the Albert Hall Seminar Room 2, UP Diliman School of Archaeology and via Zoom.
The resource speaker is Gregorio R. Caliguia III of the Department of History at the College of Social Sciences and Development, Polytechnic University.
Scan the QR code on the poster to join via Zoom or through its meeting ID: 958 6828 5184, and passcode: BnltZOOM.