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Engaged Cartography: Methods and Materialities of Collective Critical Mapping

  • Date: 16 May 2023 | 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM

The lecture “Engaged Cartography: Methods and Materialities of Collective Critical Mapping” will happen tomorrow, May 16, at 5:30 p.m. via Zoom.

Paul Schweizer, a geographer and popular educator connected with the Digital Geography team of the Institut für Geowissenschaften und Geographie at the Martin Luther Universität Halle-Wittenberg, is the resource speaker for this session.

Register at…/tJAoduitqj4tE90PY3ikeV1M5izCPg….

This is the seventh installment of the “Heo/Geo Lecture Series 2023” presented by the UP Diliman Department of Geography and the Philippine Geographical Society. It is co-organized and co-sponsored by the UPD Junior Philippine Geographical Society, UP Geographic Society and the “Cultures of Mapping and Countercartographies” graduate class (Geog 293).

See post for more details.

Image from DGeog Facebook page