Dantedì 2025: Why does Dante Continue to be Present in Contemporary Popular Culture?
Date: Mar 28 | 1:00 PM - 3:00 PMEveryone is invited to the seminar “Dantedì 2025: Why does Dante Continue to be Present in Contemporary Popular Culture?” on March 28, Friday, 1–3 p.m., at the CAL AVR, Palma Hall Pavilion 1, UP Diliman (UPD).
The resource speaker is Claudia del Punta, a faculty from the De La Salle University.
The event is organized by the UPD Department of European Languages, in collaboration with the Società Dante Alighieri, the Philippine Italian Association, and the UP Piccola Italia, as part of “DEL-dalan 2025: Seminars on ‘European’ Languages, Literatures and Cultures.”