Binalot Talks: Materials Science and Remote Sensing for Metallic Artefacts and Archaeological Sites
Date: May 15 | 12:00 PM - 2:00 PMCatch the Binalot Talks “Materials Science and Remote Sensing for Metallic Artefacts and Archaeological Sites” on May 15, Monday, and “Indigenous Perspective on Tausug Resistance” on May 17, Wednesday.
Both will be held at 12 p.m. at the Albert Hall Seminar Room 2, UP Diliman (UPD) School of Archaeology.
The resource speaker on May 15 is Manuel J.H. Peters from the isoTROPIC Research Group of Max Planck Institute of Geoanthropology, Jena, Germany, while the speaker on May 17 is Kamaruddin Bin Alawi Mohammad of the UPD Institute of Islamic Studies.
Visit for more details.