Balancing Nature and Nurture: Understanding People’s Willingness to Conserve the Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services of Lagonoy Natural Biotic Area
Date: Mar 17 | 10:00 AM - 12:00 PMJoin the lecture “Balancing Nature and Nurture: Understanding People’s Willingness to Conserve the Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services of Lagonoy Natural Biotic Area” on March 17, Monday, 10 a.m., at the UP Diliman Institute of Environmental Science and Meteorology (IESM) Auditorium and via Zoom.
The resource speaker is Enrico L. Replan, PhD, an assistant professor at the IESM.
Register at…/regi…/feRJXzzCReuIvLALTh-gKQ… or scan the QR code on the poster.
The event is part of the “IESM Anniversary Talk Series Catch 22: Navigating the Power of Balance and Harmony in Knowledge and Growth.”