Avoiding a Low Middle-Income Trap Lessons Learned From the NEDA and Academe
Date: Sep 14 | 3:00 PM - 5:00 PMEveryone is invited to the lecture “Avoiding a Low Middle-Income Trap Lessons Learned From the NEDA and Academe” by Dante B. Canlas, PhD, on September 14, Thursday, 3 p.m. at the UP Diliman School of Economics (SE) Auditorium.
Canlas is a professor emeritus at the SE and served as former director-general of National Economic and Development Authority from 2001 to 2002.
To register, visit https://forms.gle/jHvw6iiApuMirsQ47 (on-site), https://zoom.us/…/tJ0uf-uprzsiHdGuHJO8WtRluuwAU8HXI2en… (via Zoom), or scan the QR codes on the poster.
This event is presented by the SE and the Philippine Center for Economic Development (PCED) as part of the “PCED@50 Lecture Series: 50 Years of Economic Policy-making.”