6th Asia-Pacific Biodiversity Observation Network Workshop
Date: Jan 28 | 3:00 PM - 5:00 PMThe UP Diliman Institute of Biology (IB) will hold the “16th Asia-Pacific Biodiversity Observation Network Workshop” on Jan. 28, 3 p.m., at the IB Room 203 and via Zoom.
The resource speakers are Hiroyuki Muraoka, PhD, a professor at Gifu University, Japan, and Masahiro Nakaoka, PhD, a professor at Hokkaido University, Japan.
To join, register at https://up-edu.zoom.us/…/regi…/qfgqTrjtSdS7y9pjHEGKyw… or scan the QR code on the poster.
The event is part of the “IB Anniversary Lecture Series.”