(MAY 21)— Prof. Jose Y. Dalisay Jr., PhD, former vice president for public affairs, was appointed as professor emeritus by the UP Board of Regents (BOR) at its 1344th meeting on Apr. 29.
Dalisay retired as a Professor of English and Creative Writing at the University of the Philippines, where he also chaired the English department and served as Director of the UP Institute of Creative Writing and Vice President for Public Affairs.
Dalisay published more than 30 books of fiction and nonfiction; his second novel, “Soledad’s Sister,” was shortlisted for the inaugural Man Asian Literary Prize in 2007. He is a Palanca Hall of Fame, TOYM, and CCP Centennial Honors List awardee, and the Jose Y. Dalisay Jr. Professorial Chair in Creative Writing has been endowed in his name.
According to the “UP Diliman Faculty Manual,” professor emeritus, a title for life, is conferred upon retired faculty members in recognition of their exceptional achievement and exemplary service to the University. They remain in the faculty roster, giving current students, junior faculty members and researchers the chance to be mentored by these esteemed teachers and scholars.
Benefits for professors emeriti include a 1-time monetary award of P150,000, lifetime library privileges, UP Health Service privileges and free admission to cultural shows in UP, among others. —Haidee C. Pineda
Photo credit: Anvil Publishing —http://blog.anvilpublishing.com/18-fiction-writers-also-teachers/