(May 22)—The University of the Philippines Board of Regents (BOR) approved at its 1344th meeting on Apr. 29 the appointment of Prof. Jerome T. Buenviaje, PhD, as 16th dean of the UP Diliman (UPD) College of Education (CEd).
Buenviaje, who succeeded Prof. Marie Therese Angeline P. Bustos, PhD., will serve as dean until Apr. 28, 2022.
Under his watch, Buenviaje plans to steer CEd to higher heights through his 5-pronged goals, LIPAD. The Dean’s LIPAD stands for Leadership in the education field, Improvement and efficiency of services, Productive linkages with other universities and partnerships with government, non-government, and private organizations, Advancement of Students, Faculty, and Staff and Dynamic collaboration for enhanced organizational health.
Buenviaje proposed Leadership in education through an increase in enrolment of graduate students from various parts of the country; maintaining CEd’s status as Center for Excellence in Education and Graduate Education; and conducting area sponsored conferences including International Conference on Teacher Education (ICTED) and National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT).
Improvement and efficiency of services is indicated by quality and system efficiency in technical operations and administrative services; a high stakeholders (students) satisfaction rating, a completed ISO accreditation; and an improved plant and physical facilities.
In his proposal, he said there are Productive linkages with other universities and partnerships with government, non-government and private organizations when students are provided with local and international scholarships; provision of teachers training for DepEd (Department of Education)/CHED (Commission on Higher Education)/private institutions; an established educational leadership training in partnership with the National Educators Academy of the Philippines (NEAP); and expanded local and international linkages.
Advancement of students, faculty and staff is to be achieved with an established students development program; a strategic professional development for faculty and staff (utilized iAADS data for faculty development); an institutionalized research production that develops CEd faculty and graduate students to contribute in their respective fields; a sustainable college-based research fund; recognition via research award for junior and senior faculty; and the capacity to disseminate research knowledge for policy and practice.
Finally, Dynamic collaboration for enhanced organizational health is indicated by a high participation rate of student, faculty and staff in college activities; and of a high sense of morale, of innovation of services, of a goal focus and cohesiveness.
Buenviaje has a PhD in Education (Educational Administration) from UPD.
The author of a refereed journal article, three refereed conference papers and several presentations for seminars, training and workshops, he has been involved in various CEd committee works since 2016 as well as scholarly and professional activities within and outside the College.
Buenviaje’s research interests are organizational development, educational leadership, curriculum and instruction management. — Mariamme D. Jadloc; photo credit: CEd/Buenviaje