
193 faculty receive UPD Centennial awards

(Oct. 28)—Ninety-three faculty members have been awarded the UP Diliman (UPD) Centennial Professorial Chairs (CPC) while a hundred received the UPD Centennial Faculty Grants (CFG) for the Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2020 Cycle.

The Centennial Awards recognize “the importance of advanced degrees, research and creative work and mentoring in the overall advancement of teaching in the University,” notes the UPD Office of Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs (OVCAA).

OVCAA announced the recipients at the University Council meeting last Oct. 19. OVCAA implements theawards, nomination and selection.

To qualify for the award, nominees must have a doctoral degree, must submit proof of research or creative output and proof of mentoring.

The College of Science (CS) had the most number of CPC awardees at 32, followed by the College of Arts and Letters (CAL) at 13, and the College of Social Sciences and Philosophy (CSSP) at 11. In terms of academic clusters, Science and Technology (S&T) had a total of 41 awardees, followed by Arts and Letters (A&L) at 24; Social Sciences and Law (SS&L) at 20 and Management and Economics (M&E) at 8.

Of the 100 CFG awardees, CS also had more than half at 67, followed by CSSP with eight. In terms of academic clusters, S&T had 74, followed by SS&L with 12, A&L with 9 and M&E with 5.

The awards, which carry cash incentives of P100,000 and P75,000 respectively for the CPC and the CFG, were established with the approval of the UP Board of Regents on Aug. 22, 2007 and took effect in 2008.

For the list of awardees, please click here.

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